Chatterday | Food and Puzzles

I love all of those foods, except I’ve never tried Flaxseed. I have porridge every single morning for breakfast, and it just gets me energised and ready for the day ahead. AND OH MA LAWD COCONUT OIL. No words, just speaks for itself really.

I also happen to share your love of jigsaw puzzles. I love doing them when I’m ill, because they take my mind off feeling under the weather and give me something to do for an entire day. I bought an amazing Disney one from about 4 years ago (before I had even heard of Amazon), and I absolutely love putting it together.



It’s 1000 pieces of pure fun, and creates a really beautiful picture. You can get it at Amazon for £10.91.

This next puzzle took me ten years to complete.






I bought it when I was ten years old when staying with my grandparents, and every now and then I would try and do it, but it was just too darn difficult. The skirt and the umbrella pieces look exactly the same, and the snowy pieces going into the statues and the trees are so bloody difficult, that I would just rage quit the jigsaw puzzle.


Well not quite. The top left corner piece is missing. So really, I still haven’t completed it. But it did take me ten years to complete, so that’s something right?!

Sorry for not posting yesterday, but I moved into my new house and it’s so pretty! When it’s all sorted and everything is packed away I’ll put some pictures up. It’s totally Pinterest worthy!

See you soon,

Mia 🙂

Review Wednesday | Puzzling Issues.

I’ve heard of that! All good things, all good things……

Ok, so today, I’m going to discuss something that has been taking up a lot of my time. Something that has cost me very little in money but has cost me so much in time.

A puzzle.

A puzzle?!?

Yes, a 1000 piece world map puzzle. £1.50, it cost me.

Don’t snigger, or laugh at me, I have no shame in staying up until 2am puzzling away. I find it soothing.

Actually, it’s been proven that doing jigsaws have got many benefits. Including improved concentration, increased creativity and even helps expanding visual skills. Everyone should do puzzles.

A very good friend had told me all of this, so I did some research, and found a great little something on this website that is inspiring me to maybe do some more puzzles in the future.

You get immense and long lasting benefits out of doing puzzles on daily basis. It not only sharpens your memory, improves your brain function, but the clarity of mind and thought helps you clear out the clutter in your mind and the cobwebs accumulating over years. You then begin to see things around you in new light are able to appreciate your life a lot better. You not only start finding solutions to your problems, but also begin to look forward to everyday in your life.

This is how much I’ve done so far:


literally the sea left……so difficult and soul-destroying. But in a nice way! Oh and it is massive!!! You can see it’s taking over the whole of my desk!!!

See you tomorrow! 😀
Harri xxx